

Please note that all members are eligible to watch the AGM live stream on the Lumi platform, the access link and credentials were emailed to each member on 5 June 2024 10AM.


Only primary members (the membership representative), individual members (except student members), and appointed proxy are eligible to vote.

To be eligible, your membership must have begun on or before 21 May 2024, that is if you have only joined after 22 May 2024, you are ineligible to vote in this year's AGM. 

If your membership is in the grace period, you are also ineligible to vote.


If you would like to attend the AGM in person, please register below. 

Register Now


Who can vote? And how to vote?

Only primary members (the membership representative), Individual member (Except Student members), and appointed proxy are eligible to vote.

In order to be eligible, your membership must have begun on or before 21 May 2024, that is if you have only joined after 22 May 2024, you are ineligible to vote in this year's AGM. 

If your membership is in grace period, you are also ineligible to vote.

Your logins are emailed to you on 5 June 2024, 10AM.




Meeting ID: 102832712

Then press “Join Meeting”.


Scan the QR code:





Username: please use the “username” set out in the email sent by Computershare to you.

Password: please input the “password” set out in the email sent by Computershare to you.
Then press “Login.

Your login was emailed to you on 4 June 2024.

Please email, if any questions.




Once logged in, you will see the AGM Online Platform homepage which displays the welcome screen and AGM details.
Click on “Broadcast” at the bottom of the page.




The broadcast will start automatically when the AGM commences.




When the voting opens, a list of the resolutions and voting options will be displayed.

Scroll through the list to view the resolutions.

To vote on a resolution, select one of the voting options.

Your vote will be highlighted, and a confirmation message will appear.

To alter your vote, select another voting option to override your previous selection.

If you don’t wish to vote on the resolution, click on “Cancel” option. The final option you select before the voting closes shall be your final vote for all the resolutions.




For the election, please select up to 6 candidates, then press “Send”.




If you would like to pose a question during the AGM, click on the “messaging” button on the top right corner of the page. You can type your question in the text box and click the send icon beside the text box to submit your question.



To access AGM materials, click on the “Documents” icon.


How many votes does each voting member have?

Each voting member of the Association will have 1 vote, for each resolution, to be cast by themselves, their designated representative or appointed proxy (as applicable).

How does the Proxy Voting work?

A member of the Association entitled to attend and vote at the meeting convened by the above notice is entitled to appoint one proxy to exercise all or any of its/his/her rights to attend, speak and vote for and on its/his/her behalf at the annual general meeting.

All submissions are made via e-proxy using a link sent to members (and in case of corporate members, the company representative of fronting the relationship with FTAHK).

Proxy notice, which may specify voting instructions, must be completed and received by the Association and Consec Services Limited no less than 48 hours prior to the AGM. The scrutineer will collect all proxy votes and will, together with the e-voting provider collect all votes, both the proxy votes as well as the votes given at the AGM. 

When will the results of the voting be announced?

The Association will work with Lumi the e-voting provider as well as with our scrutineer of the AGM, to tally the votes on the day of the AGM. The Association’s aim is to announce the results of voting as soon as possible at the end of the AGM.

Where can I get a copy of the Articles of Association?

A copy of the Articles of Association can be provided to you by Consec Services Limited upon request by email to Iris Chan under or by the Association upon request by email to

Will there be any refreshments served at the Annual General Meeting?

Canapes and drinks will be served at the AGM at no cost to the physically attending members and proxies.

Who can attend the AGM (in-person or virtually)?

All active members can attend the AGM.

How will a nominated and recommended candidate be appointed as a Director of the Association?

A person who is willing to act as a Director, and is permitted by law to do so, will be appointed as a Director by ordinary resolution at the annual general meeting (“AGM”) of the Association.

A person is eligible to act as a Director, if he or she has ordinary residence in Hong Kong with a valid identity card for verification. 

How to watch the AGM?

The access link and credentials will be emailed to each member on 4 June 2024, 10AM.




Meeting ID: 102832712

Then press “Join Meeting”.


Scan the QR code:





Username: please use the “username” set out in the email sent by Computershare to you.

Password: please input the “password” set out in the email sent by Computershare to you.
Then press “Login.

Your login was emailed to you on 4 June 2024.

I don't know my login?