The FTAHK Panel Pledge: Gender Balance

The Panel Pledge: Gender Balance

The Fintech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK) is committed to ensuring women’s representation in public and professional forums that cover FinTech. To mark International Women’s Day, FTAHK makes this Pledge:

-We pledge to increase the visibility and contribution of women in FTAHK events and FTAHK-supported public events and forums. 
-This Pledge is part of the duties of FTAHK board members and committee co-chairs. 
-For any FTAHK panel, gender representation is mandatory. Co-chairs need to be aware of this rule and design their activities around it.
-For an event in which FTAHK is asked to serve as a supporting organization (if it includes the FTAHK logo, or is marketed to our members), or in which a board member is participating in their capacity as such to participate as a panelist, the FTAHK Executive Team or the board member must:

  • Inform the organizer of our Pledge before agreeing to support the event
  • Provide a deadline, pre-event, by which the organizer must meet reasonable gender representation on the official panel agenda
  • Support the organizer with panelist recommendations, but note the onus to meet the Pledge rests with the organizer
  • Inform the organizer that if the panel fails to meet the Pledge, FTAHK reserves the right to withdraw our formal support (logo, marketing) from the event