

We at the FinTech Association of Hong Kong are delighted to announce the official appointment of Deacons as our new legal partner!


This aims to help companies and financial institutions better understand the availability and development stage of solutions in the Hong Kong Green Fintech landscape.


FSTB Public Consultation on Legislative Proposals to Regulate Over-the-Counter Trading of Virtual Assets


The Corporate Innovation Index (CII) Survey, is a project funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Government under the General Support Programme and developed by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).


LITE Lab@HKU is pleased to announce the launch of our 5th LITE Lab Undergraduate Cohort (2023/24), and once again most welcome tech startups, innovative companies, industry associations, and even professional service firms like law firms and consultancies as their LITE Lab project partners to co-design legal, regulatory and/or policy research projects during the Spring semester (Jan – Apr/May 2024 ...


A comprehensive report on Hong Kong's FinTech in 2023


Neil Tan has been selected by CIO Times as one of the top business thought leaders of 2023


Recently, QIDS Venture Partners interviewed Antony Morris, a seasoned FinTech venture builder and a board member of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK), alongside insights from FTAHK’s Chair, Neil Tan.


FTAHK is thrilled to continue supporting the launch of the 4th LITE Lab Postgraduate Cohort