Cloud & Cybersecurity & A.I. & Big Data: Earning HKPF's Recognition Amid Rising Cyber Threats



As Cyber threats are continuously increasing, we were privileged to have Cybersecurity and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) and CyberBay at our Cloud & CyberSec committee. Whilst it was sobering to hear the actual threats occurring daily, it has been very encouraging to see both the Government and private sector increasing the awareness and education around this threat.

Key Points:

  • Education on Cybersecurity remains key – both for consumers and corporates.
  • Classic Antivirus Software may not stand the test of time for quantum computing- fueled Cyber Attacks. Think strongly about True EndPoint protection!
  • Bounty Hunting as an innovative way to safeguard one’s IT and obtain cybersecurity certification.
  • The Police Force’s approach to Cyber Threats.

Thank you to the 40+ participants in our session!