FTAHK Consultation Response to the IOSCO Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance (DeFi)


FTAHK response to IOSCO public consultation

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Consultation Report1
with the aim of finalising IOSCO’s policy recommendations to address market integrity and investor protection issues in decentralized finance (DeFi) by the end of 2023.

In line with IOSCO’s established approach for securities regulation, the Policy Recommendations for DeFi are addressed to relevant authorities and look to support jurisdictions seeking to establish compliant markets in the most effective way possible.

IOSCO invited input from all stakeholders as part of this consultation process.

The FTAHK formed an ISOCO Consultation Response Working Group of interested, knowledgeable Members, who consulted widely in the preparation of this Response.

The views expressed in this submission are the views of FTAHK and do not necessarily represent the views of individual contributors or Members.

We offer our thanks to the members of the ISOCO Consultation Response Working Group on behalf of the FTAHK’s Web3 & Blockchain Committee, the Policy & Advocacy Board Working Group, and the Board of Directors.


Please refer to the full report to see the detailed responses.