How to Transform Hong Kong into a GreenTech Hub


Spurred by multiple government initiatives Hong Kong aspires to become a leading GreenTech hub in the region driving innovation and sustainable green financing alike. To achieve this goal, the government, businesses, and academia should join forces and implement a set of strategic measures. Here are seven key actions that we, the Fintech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK) believe that should be taken to turn Hong Kong into a GreenTech powerhouse in this report, we talk about a range of key points that would help Hong Kong to establish itself in the #GreenTech realm.

  • Identify Sub-Sectors for early win
  • Establishing Funding structure
  • Develop a #GreeTech talent pool
  • Foster a risk-taking mindset
  • Strengthen cross-border collaboration
  • Facilitate ecosystem development and knowledge sharing
  • Leveraging Hong Kong's super-connector role

In our journey ahead, we will persistently collaborate with regulators and industry counterparts to propel the acceptance of superior methods and norms in the realm of GreenTech. The FTAHK maintains its unwavering dedication to constructing marketplaces that adhere to regulations, cultivate innovation, instill trust, and facilitate sustainable expansion.


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