Data to Action - How Can Technology Help Advance ESG Investing & Tackle Greenwashing?



1) The panel discussed the evolution of Sustainable Investing from a lack of frameworks to now a number of different frameworks internationally; with a focus and need on data and transparency

2) The impact of Greenwashing has been quite significant to the overall industry. Companies need to ensure sustainable commitments are followed through with integrated processes and measurable metrics. Though it is important to not paint everyone with the same broad brush, as there may be intentional and unintentional Greenwashing. 

3) With new regulations in HK, technology can help with its compliance by providing the necessary tools/data; however sustainable investing can not and should not be outsourced. Companies should still have their own due diligence and decision-making processes which leverage the available data/technology 

4) AI/LLM can help with the processing of large sets of information and also to help with predictive modelling; though we have to be mindful that the underlying data sets used for LLM training may not be fully objective.  Blockchain is also an area where such information can help provide direct/timely transparency in information about various company's actions.